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M&G 2024 Donors

M&G gratefully acknowledges the gifts and grants for 2024. These funds were used to support our new building project, an endowment for long-term sustainability, and our operations and outreach programs into the community through Arts Encounter, exhibitions, and special events for children and adults. This list reflects donors for the calendar year of 2024.

Yvonne Arrowood

Sylvia Everett

Al and Holly Hodges

Bill Pinkston

Marlene Reed

Karen Schillinger

Guy and Nancy Watkins


Yvonne Arrowood

Gene Banks

Donnalynn Hess

Beverly Ingram

Wayne and Peg Wright


The Davis-Litchfield Family Fund

Peabody Foundation

Foundation For The Carolinas

United Community Bank Foundation

Cpt. and Mrs. Hans Antonsen

Shelley Balluch

Peter Baum

Dr. Edgar P. Bowron

John and Jarrell Bruner

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Clark

Janice Diehl

Dr. Paula Geiselman

Christopher Graner

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon K. Greer

Donnalynn Hess

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Iszler

Stephen and Heather Johnston

Mary Ann Kaspar

Jay Link

Mr. and Mrs. John Mason

Randy Mathena

Rebecca McCloud


Donna Neumann

Bob Oldenburg

Tom Passingham


Jim and Gerry Roads

Jeannette Seale


Dr. Philip D. Smith

Dori Sofy

Laurel A. Spina-Petersen


Jeremy and Paula Watts

Kaye Webb

Grace Wells

Paul Wickensimer

Ken and Sylvia Zbell


Bert and Lauren Arrowood Charitable Gift Fund

Gene Banks


Best Family Fund

Dr. and Mrs. Ken Bixby


The David and Ruth Buch Giving Fund

Hugh Chapman Charitable Fund (recurring donor)

Beverly Chivers

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Cunningham

Denby Davenport

Chris Dewey

Eric’s Custom Framing Inc

Betty Fagge

Mr. and Mrs. George Farquhar

Camilo Franco, matched by Jamf Software

Lauralyn Fitch (recurring donor)

John Witherspoon Gilpin Giving Fund

Anonymous Foundation

Anonymous (recurring donor)


Joe and Lana Lee Helm

Scott and Kathy Hoster

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoyt

Sylvia Huffman

Dr. and Mrs. Wendell J. Hyink (recurring donor)

Ken Iverson

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Johnson

Stephen and Heather Johnston

Mr. and Mrs. John Korybski

Mr. and Mrs. John Korybski

Mr. and Mrs. Billy V. Lanier

Dawn Laurel Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lawton

Chuck Loving (recurring donor)

Mr. and Mrs. Ken Matesevac

Mr. Randy Mathena

Dr. and Mrs. Bruce McAllister

Bitsy McHugh

Ashlyn Michaud (recurring donor)

Mr. and Mrs. William Mullins

Bob Oldenburg

John and Rebecca Parker

Jane Patrick

Mrs. Sonia Pavluk

Joanie J. Pegram

John J. Polo

Scott Powell, matched by Raytheon Technologies

Bill Reynolds

Richardson Giving Fund

Dr. Katherine Richardson

Earle and Jeannie Robinson

Mr. Alfred Robinson Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rodman

Dr. Jerry Rugg

Karen Schillinger (recurring donor)

Rosemary Shire

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoner Jr.

Carlisle G. Sullivan

David and Sally Sweatt Charitable Fund

Sid and Linda Tate

Philip and Judy Temple

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Thompson

Bill and Connie Timmons Foundation

Lisa Van Riper

Evelyn Watkins

Nancy Webb Watson Irrevocable Trust

Drs. Jay and Laura Whitney

Gene Williams (recurring donor)


Ken and Sylvia Zbell


The Versailles Foundation, Inc.



Wayne & Peg Wright




Rick and Suzanne Altizer

Hans and Laura Antonsen

Bert and Lauren Arrowood

Gary and Yvonne Arrowood

Bo Aughtry

David and Velvet Baker

Donald Best

Ken and Clara Bixby

John and Janet Blair

Glenn and Joyce Bridges

David and Ruth Buch

Janice Butler

William and Marion Crawford

Adam Creveling and Ericka Walters

Charles and Grace Curry

Betty Fagge

Kathleen Foster

Camilo and Jessica Franco

Joseph and Martha Franks

William and Leslie Fricke

Skip and Carrie Gordon

Norman Gould

Flavia and Lynn Harton

Scott and Kathy Hoster

Bob and Beverly Howard

Lauren and Phillip Hughes

Ken and Karen Iverson

Fernando and Francine Jara

Ken and Janet Johnson

Bob and Karen Jones

Erin and Stephen Jones

Jeffrey Jones

Bryan and Rebecca Larsen

Marcus and Nicole Laughter

Sam and Patricia Lewis

Lee and Lori McLaughlin

Willis and Joanne Meadows

Gene and Bonnie Merkle

Rich and Clare Meyer

Cheryl Mims and Keith Glasgow

Jim and Martha Nance

Marshall and Susan Neal

Nelson and Debi Neal

Mark and Kara Oliver

Mrs. Sonia Pavluk

Paul and Virginia Phillippi

Harold and Virginia Raw

Jerry and Robin Rexroad

Ronnie and Sharon Rodkey

Ray and Sherri Rodman

John and Nancy Shelley

Bruce and Sandra Spradlin

Tim and Darcy Stanley

Jason and Cynthia Steward

David and Mary Swain

Corban and Susanna Tabler

Sid and Linda Tate

Philip and Judy Temple

Rick and Pat Timmons

Guy and Nancy Watkins

Gary and Debbie Wheeler

James and Judith Woodward

Wayne and Peg Wright

Ken and Sylvia Zbell


Gene Banks

Peter Baum

James Carter

Hugh Chapman

Beverly Chivers

Charlene Comer

Rita Covalt

Alice Cromley

Opal Crymble

Lillian Darby

Diane De Angelis

Jan Diehl

Sylvia Everette

Shirley Glancy

Joan Heiple

Beverly Ingram

Gail Jacobo

Alver Maheras

James Mann

Faith Mattox

John Matzko

Rebecca McCloud

Carol Miller

Cynthia Oliver

Jane Patrick

Andrea Pisarcik

Jeremy Rankin

Marlene Reed

Karen Schillinger

Linda St. John

Hans VanderKnyff

Mary Vassar

Jeremy Watts

Romana White

Roger Wolters

Christopher Zydowicz


Lillian Bean

Tom Butts

Ruth Christy

Charles Flesher

Roger and Carole Frederick

Barbara Lewis

Kathleen Peters

Gerry Poster

Karen Rowe 

Billy and Janet Scarlett

Wayne and Peg Wright



Earle and Jeannie Robinson in Honor of Mary Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. William Mullins in Memory of William Doyle

John and Rebecca Parker in Memory of Marjorie Parker

Beverly Ingram in Honor of Her 7 godchildren

Donnalynn Hess in Memory of Beneth Jones

The Davis-Litchfield Family Fund In Memory of Velma Davis

Betty Fagge in Memory of Lloyd Rinks

Jeremy and Paul Watts in Honor of Erin Jones

Yvonne Arrowood in Memory of Grady Herd

Jeannette Seale in Memory of Ana Spitzmüller

Laurel A. Spina-Petersen in Memory of William Petersen

Alfred Robinson Jr. in Memory of Patricia Robinson

Marlene Reed in Memory of Beneth Jones and Bob Jones Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon K. Greer in Memory of Bob Jones Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lawton in Honor of Thomas Joiner

Donnalynn Hess in Memory of Beneth Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Ken Matesevac in Memory of Sharon VanDenBerghe

Rebecca McCloud in Memory of Geri Campbell

Joanie Pegram in Memory of Dennis and Ina Pegram

Jim and Gerry Roads in Memory of Iris Jackson

Dr. Edgar P. Bowron in Memory of Bob Jones Jr.


Glenn and Joyce Bridges, presenting sponsor for M&G’s ArtBreak: Meet the Collection lecture series

Hughes Investments Inc., supporting sponsor for M&G’s ArtBreak: Meet the Collection lecture series

United Community Bank Foundation for M&G’s Exploring the Renaissance at the Upstate Renaissance Faire

Bert and Lauren Arrowood Charitable Gift Fund for M&G Makers Market

Philip and Judy Temple for M&G’s Valentine event

Capt. and Mrs. Hans Antonsen, presenting sponsor for Who Needs Shakespeare? exhibition

Dr. and Mrs. David Dersch Sr., supporting sponsor for Who Needs Shakespeare? exhibition

Scott and Kathy Hoster, supporting sponsor for Who Needs Shakespeare? exhibition

Marcus and Nicole Laughter, supporting sponsor for Who Needs Shakespeare? exhibition

Donnalynn Hess for Who Needs Shakespeare? exhibition

Jim and Susan Toms for Who Needs Shakespeare? exhibition


Jay Bopp

Kimberly Delaney



Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of each list; however, if we have made an error or omitted information, please accept our apology and let us know of any corrections by contacting the Collections and Engagement Coordinator at (864) 770-1331.