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Tag Archives: American art

Collection on View

View Works from the Museum & Gallery Collection

While the Museum & Gallery is closed to the public and unable to offer public viewing hours, we continue removing the collection in preparation for moving to a new building and new location. Meanwhile, you can still see selected paintings and objects on display in these campus locations:


Gustafson Fine Arts Center: Atrium

Public Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 AM-5 PM or by tour request

Who Needs Shakespeare?
In a world of Broadway, YouTube, and Netflix who needs Shakespeare? The simple answer, of course, is we do! Simplicity aside, however, there is no writer past or present whose plots and characters more powerfully illuminate the human condition. Political intrigue, treachery, hypocrisy, selfless heroism, nobility, and beauty—are all poignantly framed and astonishingly “contemporary” (ripped from the headlines of a 24-hour news cycle). We need Shakespeare because in a culture numbed by constant distractions and irrelevant “noise,” he reminds us of our place in the world and our potential for good—or evil.


War Memorial Chapel

Open only by appointment or tour request

The Benjamin West Collection
The seven, monumental paintings that hang in the War Memorial Chapel constitute the largest assemblage today of works from the Progress of Revealed Religion series commissioned by King George III to be painted by Benjamin West, the father of American painting.


Mack Library

Public Hours: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM-5 PM

View several Medieval and Renaissance objects from M&G’s collection, including a 16th-century Antiphonary, a 15th-century keepsake box made of bone, and more!

Homeschool Days: 2024-2025

Artists in Focus

Join us for a monthly exploration of art and time from the 1600s through the 1800s! Students (ages 5-14) will closely study the lives of artists and the significant events influencing them and their choice of art medium. Each 75-minute lesson is interactive and includes a related art activity. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to view the world through various artistic styles.

Parent attendance is optional. Review our FAQs, which cover arrival and even co-op questions.

Registration: Accepting registrants for Spring sessions HERE.

Location: Mack Building (on the campus of Bob Jones University)

Fees per Lesson: Children–$9; adults–$3

Event fees are non-refundable. Adults may choose either to attend with their child(ren) or leave after student check-in for the 75-minute lesson.


To further your learning at home, use these M&G activity sheets.

Elementary School Lessons (K5-5th grade)

Thursday at 9:30AM and 2PM

Friday at 9:30AM, Noon, and 2PM

Middle School Lessons (6th-8th grade)

Friday at 9:30AM, Noon, and 2PM


Spring Topics:

February 6-7

Claude Monet, Chief Impressionist

March 13-14

Berthe Morisot, Admired Artist

April 3-4

Vincent Van Gogh, Impasto Pioneer

Esau and Jacob Presented to Isaac

Esau and Jacob Presented to Isaac

Benjamin West, P.R.A.

Below the image, click play to listen.


You can learn more about the entire series by West and M&G’s significant collection from the series HERE.

Benjamin West: The Progress of Revealed Religion



In 1963, the Museum & Gallery acquired seven canvases from Benjamin West’s large series, The Progress of Revealed Religion. Originally, King George III of England had commissioned West to paint this series for the king’s proposed private chapel, St. George’s, at Windsor Castle. However, because of the king’s illness and eventual madness, the chapel was never renovated, the entire series was never completed, and the paintings were never hung at Windsor. After West’s death, the completed part of the series was separated. Out of the thirteen known, extant works in the world from West’s series, seven of the paintings reside in the War Memorial Chapel on the campus of Bob Jones University.

If you’re interested in seeing the Benjamin West collection while M&G is closed, consider bringing a tour group. Learn more here.




These works from the series are represented in M&G’s Collection and on view:

The Ascension

St. Peter Preaching at Pentecost

Isaiah’s Lips Anointed with Fire

Christ Coming Up Out of the Jordan

Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh

Esau and Jacob Presented to Isaac

The Brazen Serpent


Christ Coming Up Out of the Jordan: Benjamin West, P.R.A.

In 1780 King George III commissioned Benjamin West to create a series of paintings for his new Chapel at Windsor Castle. It’s estimated that he completed 18 of the proposed 35 paintings planned for the chapel, and M&G has the largest set of existing works from the series. To learn more click HERE.


Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh: Benjamin West, P.R.A.

In this painting, Benjamin West captures one of the most dramatic events in Israel’s history.


You can learn more about the entire series by West and M&G’s significant collection from the series HERE.

Whatsoever Things Are… Excellent: Isaiah’s Lips Anointed with Fire

This tender, graceful work by Benjamin West is one of a special series of paintings commissioned by King George III to decorate a chapel at Windsor Castle.


Visit HERE for the next video to think on things that are Worthy of Praise.

Louis Comfort Tiffany: Inspiration

In this segment, Bob Jones, Jr. shares the story behind what almost happened to this beautiful Tiffany mosaic.

Object of the Month: September 2020

St. Peter Preaching at Pentecost

Oil on canvas, signed and dated 1785

Benjamin West, P.R.A.

American, active in England, 1738–1820

Benjamin West was born the youngest of ten children to Quakers John and Sarah West on October 10, 1738 in the township of Springfield, Pennsylvania. At an early age, he showed remarkable artistic talent by painting likenesses of his family. True or not, charming anecdotes have been passed down that the Indians instructed him in preparing colors and that Benjamin made his first paintbrush by plucking tail and back hairs from Gremalkin, the family cat.

At nine, he met a British portraitist, William Williams, who genuinely inspired the young boy. He lent West two books about painting, which developed in him an enduring interest in both the great historians who recorded the stories of the noble and virtuous and the great master painters who depicted the lofty scenes of Scripture and the past.

West continued to paint portraits and at age 18, following his mother’s death, he moved to Philadelphia to live with his married sister. There, he benefited from the mentoring of Rev. William Smith, a respected scholar, minister, and intellectual. Smith found a way for West (age 22, armed with letters of introduction) to travel to Rome, where the great artists studied. West was the first American artist to travel to Italy, where he not only studied and copied the Old Masters and sculpture of Greek and Roman antiquity, but he befriended the contemporary Neoclassical painters including Anton Raphael Mengs and Pompeo Batoni.

In 1763, West moved to England and joined the Society of Artists, where he exhibited and earned the nickname, “the American Raphael”—it was the beginning of a successful career and a lifetime of commissions. Along with Sir Joshua Reynolds and other artists, the king made West a charter member of the Royal Academy.

Defying precedent, West pursued a controversial approach in 1770 for the first exhibition of the Royal Academy by painting The Death of General Wolfe. The scene portrayed a moment of recent history—the heroic death of a great general during Britain’s Seven Years War with France in North America. Rather than following the day’s expectation of clothing the characters in robes of antiquity, West painted the men wearing modern dress. It was a milestone in English and American art, and it established his artistic reputation.

West became England’s leading Neoclassical painter and historical painter to King George III. Following Reynolds’ death, West was made the 2nd president of the Royal Academy and the longest serving. West’s success and recognition attracted art students from America. He gave them opportunities to study and assist on commissions in his studio, where he trained three generations of American artists, including Charles Wilson Peale and Gilbert Stuart. As the “Father of American Painting,” he helped establish a sophisticated American style and provided a foundation for the growth of the arts in America during the Federal period.

In 1780, King George commissioned West to decorate a proposed chapel at Windsor Castle “for the purpose of displaying a pictorial illustration” of subjects from the Bible, “which Christians of all denominations, might contemplate without offense to their tenets.” West developed multiple plans for the chapel over a 20-year period, so it is difficult to know the total paintings he intended to complete. According to records from 1801, his concept for the Chapel of the History of Revealed Religion contained approximately 35 paintings featuring the Scriptural events when God specifically revealed Himself to man.

M&G’s St. Peter Preaching at Pentecost is one of the paintings originally planned for the king’s chapel. The festival of Pentecost brought many visitors from around the known world to Jerusalem. The disciples were gathered together on the feast day when suddenly the sound of a rushing wind filled the house. Flames of fire appeared above their heads, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages. Others at the feast thought the disciples were drunk, but Peter powerfully preached to the assembled crowd, who understood what he spoke in their own language. He explained to them that the miracle they were observing was the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy and that Jesus came to save them from their sins, died, and was resurrected on the third day. Three thousand people believed on Jesus Christ that day.

West beautifully and subtly displays this New Testament event from Acts 2, by representing the presence of the Holy Spirit with a smoky quality and the slightest hint of faintly glowing flames above Peter’s head and John’s (behind Peter and wearing green and red). The crowd scene is an observer’s study in reading people. Each person responds differently as they intently consider the apostle’s words. One of West’s special details is the mother with her two young children, which references his skill as a portraitist.

Of course, many factors prevented the chapel and commission from being finished including the American and French Revolutions and the king’s ongoing health struggles. However, West completed 18 large paintings for the chapel and left one unfinished. Of those 18 finished works, 5 are now lost, which leaves 13 paintings with known locations. Six can be found in the collections at the National Gallery in DC, the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art, the Palace of Westminster in London, the Tate Gallery, Margram Castle in Neath, and St. Martin’s Church in Wales. Remarkably, M&G displays the remaining 7 paintings all together in the War Memorial Chapel on the campus of Bob Jones University.

These are no ordinary pictures, and they represent the creative talent and skill of the first, significant American artist. Art historian Alfred Scharf has honored these works as “the most outstanding series of religious paintings in 18th-century England.”

Erin R. Jones, Executive Director


Published in 2020

Louis Comfort Tiffany


Louis Comfort Tiffany

Below the image, click play to listen.