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Tag Archives: Il Sarzana

Domenico Fiasella

The Flight into Egypt

Domenico Fiasella, called Il Sarzana

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Domenico Fiasella: The Flight into Egypt

M&G makes loans throughout the year to participating museums. However, the Museo Diocesano of Sarzana, Italy has requested M&G to “loan” our painting digitally as part of their exhibition focused on an artist from their town, Domenico Fiasella, called Il Sarzana. The exhibit runs from July 15-October 31, 2021.

The Sarzana museum isn’t able to borrow internationally for this exhibition. Instead, their exhibition digitally features works by the artist from other prominent collections including the Louvre and The Ringling. They requested that the participating museums create and send videos for inclusion in their on-site exhibition and social media. View M&G’s video below to learn more about our painting and the artist.