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Tag Archives: Italian baroque

Francesco Fracanzano: The Tribulation of Job

Neapolitan artist Francesco Fracanzano came from a family of painters and his dark. brooding canvases would have a profound effect on the first generation of Neapolitan naturalists.

Ginevra Cantofoli

A Sibyl

Ginevra Cantofoli

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Domenico Zampieri, called Il Domenichino

St. John the Evangelist

Domenico Zampieri, called Il Domenichino

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Anthony van Dyck

Saint Rosalie Interceding for the Plague-Stricken of Palermo

Anthony van Dyck

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Mattia Preti: Christ Seats the Child in the Midst of the Disciples

Christ often chose to subtly correct His disciples through simple, but poignant illustrations. Mattia Preti beautifully captures one such moment.

Francesco de Rosa: The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence

Francesco de Rosa presents the subject at the viewer’s eye-level and uses ordinary-looking figures for a dramatic scene about the legend of St. Lawrence. This artist reflects the influence of leading Baroque painters like Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio and Jusepe de Ribera.




Guido Reni: The Four Evangelists

Guido Reni is one of the foremost artists of the Bolognese school. Learn about his rendering of the four gospel writers from the founder of M&G, Dr. Bob Jones, Jr.

Salvator Rosa: Landscape with the Baptism of Christ

Salvator Rosa’s panoramic view of Christ’s baptism is not only a beautiful illustration of the Savior’s humility but a stunning example of 17th-century landscape painting.

Domenico Zampieri: St. John the Evangelist

Domenico Zampieri’s St. John the Evangelist is not only a stunning example of the classical Baroque style but arguably one of the most important 17th century pictures in America.

Carlo Francesco Nuvolone

St. Joseph and the Christ Child

Carlo Francesco Nuvolone (attributed to)

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