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A Closer Look

Take a closer look at objects in the collection to discover fascinating details in the materials, narrative, or artists. Each clip will help you better understand the past as well as enjoy the objects in M&G’s collection.

Old Testament Characters: Pietro Negroni, called Il Giovane Zingaro
Preparing to Depart for Canaan: Leandro Bassano, called Leandro da Ponte
The Annunciation: Pieter Fransz. de Grebber
Rest on the Flight into Egypt: Bartolommeo Guidobono
The Dream of St. Peter: Roelandt Savery
Madonna and Child with Saints: Giacomo or Giulio Francia
Christ Coming Up Out of the Jordan: Benjamin West, P.R.A.
The Last Judgment: Placido Costanzi
Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh: Benjamin West, P.R.A.
Pietro Martire Neri: St. Jerome
Picture Books of the Past: The Tribulation of Job
Constantijn van Renesse (attr. to): Christ before Pilate
Picture Books of the Past: Jacopo Robusti, called Il Tintoretto
Picture Books of the Past: Marietta Robusti
Picture Books of the Past: Unknown Dutch
Picture Books of the Past: Jusepe de Ribera, called Lo Spagnoletto
Picture Books of the Past: Lorenzo di Bicci
Picture Books of the Past: Mattia Preti
Picture Books of the Past: Bartolommeo Neroni
Picture Books of the Past: Gustave Doré
Christ before Pilate: Master of St. Severin
Picture Books of the Past: Master of Staffolo
Picture Books of the Past: Edwin Long
Picture Books of the Past: Pieter Fransz. de Grebber
Picture Books of the Past: Lorenzo di Niccolo di Martino
Picture Books of the Past: Unknown Follower of Paolo Caliari, called Paolo Veronese
Picture Books of the Past: Antonio del Castillo y Saavedra
Picture Books of the Past: Carlo Dolci
Allegory on the Fall and Redemption of Man: Lucas Cranach, the Younger
The Risen Christ: Gerard David
Madonna and Child with Saints: Niccolò di Pietro Gerini
Antonio Checchi (called Guidaccio da Imola): The Coronation of the Virgin
Jacopo Robusti (called Il Tintoretto): The Visit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon
Rembrandt van Rijn (school of): Head of Christ
David de Haen: The Mocking of Christ
Jan Boeckhorst: Adoration of the Magi
Jan Victors: Esther Accusing Haman
Eyre Crowe: Wittenberg, October 31, 1517
Francesco Fracanzano: The Tribulation of Job
Giovanni Antonio Bazzi: Procession to Calvary
Domenico Fiasella: The Flight into Egypt
French Stained Glass: The Fountain of Life
Christ the Redeemer: Paris Bordone
Madonna and Child: Master of the Greenville Tondo
John the Baptist: Polychromed Sculpture
Gaspar de Crayer: St. Augustine & St. Ambrose
Edwin Long: Vashti Refuses the King’s Summons
Louis Comfort Tiffany: Inspiration
Govaert Flinck: Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom
Simon Vouet: Salome with the Head of John the Baptist
Francesco Granacci: Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi, called Sandro Botticelli (and studio): Madonna and Child with an Angel
Jusepe de Ribera: Ecce Homo
Gustave Doré: Christ Leaving the Praetorium
Girolamo Della Robbia: Terracotta Busts
Mattia Preti: Christ Seats the Child in the Midst of the Disciples
Peter Paul Rubens: Christ on the Cross
Cassone: Renaissance Marriage Chest
Francesco de Rosa: The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence
Guido Reni: The Four Evangelists
Geritt van Honthorst: The Holy Family in the Carpenter Shop
Francois de Troy: Christ and the Samaritan Woman
Francesco Cavazzoni: Legend of the Finding of the True Cross
Giovanni Filippo Criscuolo (attr. to): The Last Judgment
Stefano Cernotto (attr. to): The Last Supper
Salvator Rosa: Landscape with the Baptism of Christ
Domenico Zampieri: St. John the Evangelist
Jaun de Flandes: St. Augustine and St.Roch
Jan Hermansz. van Bijlert: Mary Magdalene Turning from the World to Christ
Anthony van Dyck: Mother of Sorrows (Mater Dolorosa)
Jan Swart van Groningen: Nativity Triptych
Jan Gossaert: The Madonna of the Fireplace
Northern Mannerism: The Martyrdom of Peter
Marietta Robusti: Allegory of Wisdom
Philippe de Champaigne: The Christ of Derision
The Easter Story: Two Centurions
Antonio del Castillo y Saavedra: St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness

Think on These Things

Due to COVID-19, our regular routines and social interactions have been disrupted. However, in the face of change and the unknown, what our minds dwell on becomes critical. While beauty has always mattered in our lives, perhaps it shows itself all the more valuable and significant in a crisis. Pause to reflect on a few, beautiful images and ideas represented in M&G’s Collection—things worthy of our thinking.

Whatsoever Things Are… True: St. Paul
Whatsoever Things Are… True: Christ and the Samaritan Woman
Whatsoever Things Are… Honorable: Ananias Restores Sight to Saul
Whatsoever Things Are… Honorable: The Good Samaritan
Whatsoever Things Are… Just: St. Michael the Archangel and St. Agnes
Whatsoever Things Are… Just: Triumphal Entry
Whatsoever Things Are… Just: The Last Supper
Whatsoever Things Are… Just: The Man of Sorrows
Whatsoever Things Are… Just: Painted Crucifix
Whatsoever Things Are… Pure: The Risen Christ
Whatsoever Things Are… Pure: Christ Blessing
Whatsoever Things Are… Lovely: The Heavenly Shepherd
Whatsoever Things Are… Lovely: Christ Healing the Blind Man
Whatsoever Things Are… Commendable: Christ and the Roman Centurion
Whatsoever Things Are… Commendable: The Tribulation of Job
Whatsoever Things Are… Excellent: Mary Magdalene Turning from the World to Christ
Whatsoever Things Are… Excellent: Isaiah’s Lips Anointed with Fire
Whatsoever Things Are… Worthy of Praise: King David Playing the Harp
Whatsoever Things Are… Worthy of Praise: God the Father

Watch This!

Through the years, M&G has developed topical videos to support the educational themes of our diverse exhibitions and outreaches.  Enjoy learning about the people of the past through these varied glimpses.

Joseph: The Favored Son
Moses: The Hope of Israel
The High Renaissance: Raphael
The High Renaissance: Leonardo da Vinci
The High Renaissance: Michelangelo
The Brownings: Part 1
The Brownings: Part 2
Why Do We Create?
Why Do We Collect?
Sharing Art-Related Memories
The Continuing Victorian Narrative: Gentlemen
The Continuing Victorian Narrative: Conan Doyle & Henry Irving
The Continuing Victorian Narrative: Women
The Continuing Victorian Narrative: Caroline Norton & Angela Burdett-Coutts
The Continuing Victorian Narrative: Florence Nightingale
The Continuing Victorian Narrative: Darwin & Intelligent Design
The Charleston Silver Lady
The Continuing Victorian Narrative: Theatre of the Mind
The Continuing Victorian Narrative: Inspiring Character
The Continuing Victorian Narrative: Lightbearers
The Continuing Victorian Narrative: Charles Dickens Social Realism Novels
The Continuing Victorian Narrative: A Christmas Carol
Henry Cole: The Origin of Christmas Cards
Victoria and Albert: The Christmas Tree
Frederic James Shields: The Pre-Raphaelites
Symbols in Religious Art: The Four Apostles
Symbols in Religious Art: Prominent Bible Characters
Symbols in Religious Art: Attributes of the Martyrs
Symbols in Religious Art: Earthly Saints and Heavenly Spirits
Symbols in Religious Art: Representations of Deity
The Life of Martin Luther
Martin Luther: The Bubonic Plague
Martin Luther: His Musical Legacy
The Art of Sleuthing: Conservation
Ten Most Forged Artists
Han van Meegeren: Part 1
Han van Meegeren: Part 2
Han van Meegeren: Part 3
Lost Art: The Cassirer Family
Lost Art: The Bendel Family
Lost Art: The Bloch-Bauer Family
Landmark Case of Nazi-Looted Art: The Discovery
Landmark Case of Nazi-Looted Art: Authentication
Landmark Case of Nazi-Looted Art: Verdict
Mannerism: An Introduction
Mannerism: Characteristics
Mannerism: Conclusion
Baroque Art: Introduction
Baroque Art: Prominent Schools
Baroque Art: Stylistic Scope
Baroque Art: Conclusion

ArtBreak: Past Series


ArtBreak 2021-2022: Celebrating the Landmarks

From providential start to creative adaptations to surprising future plans, M&G’s 70-year existence reveals a consistent focus and mission rooted in our history. Gain further insight to an internationally respected collection from a variety of speakers to understand the M&G of tomorrow—a museum intentionally designed to serve students of all ages and enrich the whole person—mind, heart, and soul.

We hosted six speakers, but were only able to record and transfer four into video from the series. Click on the banner above to view the series.



ArtBreak 2020-2021: An M&G Podcast Series

During Covid19 isolation, M&G adapted our monthly ArtBreak to a different format—a podcast to enjoy on any personal break!  Like our normal in-person lunch and lecture construct, you’ll hear various M&G staff members and guests for each, roughly 35-minute program—in the comfort and safety of your own surroundings. Click on the banner above to listen to the diverse voices and perspectives toward various art topics.

Explore the Collection

Old Master paintings can be overwhelming sometimes with their detailed beauty, serious palette, and historical roots. But they don’t have to be, which is why M&G created the EXPLORE pages—a diversion on our website to unfold some of the mystery and meaning in the art of the past. Watch, listen, read, and color your way through the world of Old Masters!

Click on the links below to investigate for yourself:


Collection on View
Scavenger Hunts
A Closer Look
History in Pictures
M&G Coloring Pages
Think on These Things
Watch This!
ArtBreak: Past Series
M&G Kids
Object of the Month: February 2025
The Collection
M&G Objects on Loan
From the Director