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Category Archives: Instagram

Symbols in Religious Art: The Four Apostles

In our next few videos Dr. Jones will explore the fascinating topic of symbolism in religious art. In this first segment he’ll discuss those symbols specifically related to the four Apostles.

See next video in the series here.

Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi, called Sandro Botticelli (and studio): Madonna and Child with an Angel

Botticelli’s Madonna and Child with an Angel is one of the most stunning illustrations of the Tondo design.


Symbols in Religious Art: Attributes of the Martyrs

In this video Dr. Jones shares the stories and identifying symbols associated with some of the most “popular” martyrs portrayed in Religious art.

See next video from the series here.

Louis Comfort Tiffany


Louis Comfort Tiffany

Below the image, click play to listen.

Jusepe de Ribera: Ecce Homo

This evocative portrait of Christ by Jusepe de Ribera was one of Bob Jones Jr.’s “very special favorites.”

Gustave Doré: Christ Leaving the Praetorium

Gustave Doré (who published his first drawings at age 15) went on to become the most sought-after illustrator of the mid-19th century.


The Life of Martin Luther

A little over 500 years ago, everything changed because of one man, Martin Luther. Learn more about the man: his life, his education, and key turning points.

Martin Luther: His Musical Legacy

During the 500th anniversary marking Martin Luther’s nailing of his 95 theses to the door of Wittenberg’s chapel, M&G created an exhibition exploring his life and continuing influence.  This video from that exhibition focuses on his musical legacy.

Ten Most Forged Artists

Stories of notorious forgers have long piqued interest, but what about their victims?  Watch the video to learn the identity of ten of the most frequently forged artists.

Han van Meegeren: Part 1

In our next three videos we’ll focus on Han van Meegeren, the talented but unstable forger who duped Hitler’s henchman Hermann Göring. Part 1 examines his early life.


Continue viewing Part 2 HERE.