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Tag Archives: baroque

Govaert Flinck: Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom

John Nolan served as curator at the Museum & Gallery for twenty years. In this month’s segment, he shares his thoughts on one of his favorite works from the collection.


Domenico Zampieri, called Il Domenichino

St. John the Evangelist

Domenico Zampieri, called Il Domenichino

Below the image, click play to listen.

Simon Vouet: Salome with the Head of John the Baptist

Simon Vouet’s painting provides a compelling illustration of the 17th century’s fascination with the dramatic martyrdom of John the Baptist.

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo

The Heavenly Shepherd

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo

Below the image, click play to listen.

Jusepe de Ribera: Ecce Homo

This evocative portrait of Christ by Jusepe de Ribera was one of Bob Jones Jr.’s “very special favorites.”

Baroque Art: Introduction

In our next few videos, M&G’s founder Dr. Bob Jones Jr. will share his expertise on the Baroque period which followed Mannerism and is known for a range of dramatic styles.

Baroque Art: Prominent Schools

Last time Dr. Jones noted that many Baroque painters belonged to specific “schools of art.” In this segment he will continue his discussion of the Bolognese School, highlighting Domenico Zampieri. He will also introduce three other prominent painters from the Roman School.

Baroque Art: Stylistic Scope

In this segment Dr. Jones begins with two works—one from the beginning and another from the ending of the Baroque period—helping us discern characteristics that illuminate the era’s stylistic scope.

Baroque Art: Conclusion

In this segment, Dr. Jones will share some concluding thoughts about this wonderfully diverse era in art history.

Mattia Preti: Christ Seats the Child in the Midst of the Disciples

Christ often chose to subtly correct His disciples through simple, but poignant illustrations. Mattia Preti beautifully captures one such moment.