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Tag Archives: encouragement

Think on These Things

Due to COVID-19, our regular routines and social interactions have been disrupted. However, in the face of change and the unknown, what our minds dwell on becomes critical. While beauty has always mattered in our lives, perhaps it shows itself all the more valuable and significant in a crisis. Pause to reflect on a few, beautiful images and ideas represented in M&G’s Collection—things worthy of our thinking.

Whatsoever Things Are… True: St. Paul
Whatsoever Things Are… True: Christ and the Samaritan Woman
Whatsoever Things Are… Honorable: Ananias Restores Sight to Saul
Whatsoever Things Are… Honorable: The Good Samaritan
Whatsoever Things Are… Just: St. Michael the Archangel and St. Agnes
Whatsoever Things Are… Just: Triumphal Entry
Whatsoever Things Are… Just: The Last Supper
Whatsoever Things Are… Just: The Man of Sorrows
Whatsoever Things Are… Just: Painted Crucifix
Whatsoever Things Are… Pure: The Risen Christ
Whatsoever Things Are… Pure: Christ Blessing
Whatsoever Things Are… Lovely: The Heavenly Shepherd
Whatsoever Things Are… Lovely: Christ Healing the Blind Man
Whatsoever Things Are… Commendable: Christ and the Roman Centurion
Whatsoever Things Are… Commendable: The Tribulation of Job
Whatsoever Things Are… Excellent: Mary Magdalene Turning from the World to Christ
Whatsoever Things Are… Excellent: Isaiah’s Lips Anointed with Fire
Whatsoever Things Are… Worthy of Praise: King David Playing the Harp
Whatsoever Things Are… Worthy of Praise: God the Father