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Tag Archives: oil on canvas

Domenico Fiasella: The Flight into Egypt

M&G makes loans throughout the year to participating museums. However, the Museo Diocesano of Sarzana, Italy has requested M&G to “loan” our painting digitally as part of their exhibition focused on an artist from their town, Domenico Fiasella, called Il Sarzana. The exhibit runs from July 15-October 31, 2021.

The Sarzana museum isn’t able to borrow internationally for this exhibition. Instead, their exhibition digitally features works by the artist from other prominent collections including the Louvre and The Ringling. They requested that the participating museums create and send videos for inclusion in their on-site exhibition and social media. View M&G’s video below to learn more about our painting and the artist.

William Hamilton, R.A.

The Kemble Family in the Second Part of King Henry VI

William Hamilton, R.A.

Below the image, click play to listen.

Christ the Redeemer: Paris Bordone

Paris Bordone studied for a time under Titian, the greatest Venetian artist of the 16th century. Although forced to leave this great master’s studio, Bordone went on to excel in portraiture, large-scale architectural settings, and cabinet paintings.

Peter Paul Rubens (follower of)

Portrait of Charles the Bold

Peter Paul Rubens (follower of)

Below the image, click play to listen.

Edwin Long: Vashti Refuses the King’s Summons

Edwin Long is one of several 19th-century English painters who traveled to the middle east. In this work we see colors, textures, and designs derived from these memorable journeys.


Jacopo Robusti, called Il Tintoretto

The Visit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon

Jacopo Robusti, called Il Tintoretto

Below the image, click play to listen.

Govaert Flinck: Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom

John Nolan served as curator at the Museum & Gallery for twenty years. In this month’s segment, he shares his thoughts on one of his favorite works from the collection.


Domenico Zampieri, called Il Domenichino

St. John the Evangelist

Domenico Zampieri, called Il Domenichino

Below the image, click play to listen.

Simon Vouet: Salome with the Head of John the Baptist

Simon Vouet’s painting provides a compelling illustration of the 17th century’s fascination with the dramatic martyrdom of John the Baptist.

Anthony van Dyck

Saint Rosalie Interceding for the Plague-Stricken of Palermo

Anthony van Dyck

Below the image, click play to listen.