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Tag Archives: Italian renaissance

The High Renaissance: Leonardo da Vinci

If Raphael’s paintings reflect the philosophic concepts and artistic tastes that shaped the time, Leonardo’s life and work highlight technical innovations that would take western art to a whole new level.

Giovanni Antonio Bazzi: Procession to Calvary

At the dawn of the 16th century Mannerism was gaining in popularity. Even noted Renaissance painters like Raphael began to mirror the style, but it was the Sienese painter Giovanni Antonio Bazzi who would push the mannerist vision even further.

Christ the Redeemer: Paris Bordone

Paris Bordone studied for a time under Titian, the greatest Venetian artist of the 16th century. Although forced to leave this great master’s studio, Bordone went on to excel in portraiture, large-scale architectural settings, and cabinet paintings.

Madonna and Child: Master of the Greenville Tondo

This elegant tondo illustrates the interesting “detective” work that is sometimes involved in attributing a work of art to a particular artist.

Girolamo Della Robbia: Terracotta Busts

The Della Robbia family is famous—for their secret artistic recipe. Watch to learn more about a pair of sculpture and this family of artists represented in M&G’s collection.

Cassone: Renaissance Marriage Chest

The European furniture in the Museum & Gallery collection has been called the finest in America by Joseph Aronson, author of The Encyclopedia of Furniture. This beautiful Italian cassone is a good example.

Francesco Cavazzoni: Legend of the Finding of the True Cross

The refinement of High Renaissance art motivated mannerist painters like Francesco Cavazzoni to explore other avenues of expression. Legend of the Finding of the True Cross provides an intriguing example.

Giovanni Filippo Criscuolo (attr. to): The Last Judgment

Giovanni Filippo Criscuolo’s The Last Judgment provides a fascinating study not only for its religious iconography but also for its theological and literary allusions.

Stefano Cernotto (attr. to): The Last Supper

The Last Supper was a common subject among 16th-century artists; however, the intriguing iconography in Stefano Cernotto’s rendering displays an inventiveness that is unique.

Marietta Robusti: Allegory of Wisdom

Marietta Robusti’s Allegory of Wisdom is an excellent example of how Renaissance artists used both Christian and mythological iconography to explore a theme.