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M&G Collections Online

As we continue to make more works available online, survey some of the paintings and objects in M&G’s collection. Click on the images below to enjoy videos, articles, and audio stops.


Object of the Month: September 2024
Madonna and Child with Saints: Giacomo or Giulio Francia
St. Anthony of Padua: Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, called Il Guercino
Object of the Month: August 2024
Christ Coming Up Out of the Jordan: Benjamin West, P.R.A.
The Princes St. Basil and St. Constantine of Yaroslavl
Object of the Month: July 2024
The Last Judgment: Placido Costanzi
Object of the Month: June 2024
Salome with the Head of St. John the Baptist
Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh: Benjamin West, P.R.A.
Pietro Martire Neri: St. Jerome
The Young Christ
Object of the Month: May 2024
Object of the Month: April 2024
Picture Books of the Past: The Tribulation of Job
Mrs. Siddons as Lady Macbeth
Object of the Month: March 2024
Clay Tablet
Constantijn van Renesse (attr. to): Christ before Pilate
Object of the Month: February 2024
Bronze Pitcher
Object of the Month: January 2024
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
Object of the Month: December
Object of the Month: November 2023
Picture Books of the Past: Jacopo Robusti, called Il Tintoretto
Object of the Month: October 2023
Picture Books of the Past: Marietta Robusti
Carved Walnut Relief
Object of the Month: September 2023
Picture Books of the Past: Unknown Dutch
Jacopo de Carolis
Object of the Month: August 2023
Picture Books of the Past: Jusepe de Ribera, called Lo Spagnoletto
Rafael Govertsz. Camphuysen
Object of the Month: July 2023
Domenico Fiasella
Picture Books of the Past: Lorenzo di Bicci
Object of the Month: June 2023
Picture Books of the Past: Mattia Preti
St. Michael the Archangel Overcoming Satan
Object of the Month: May 2023
Picture Books of the Past: Bartolommeo Neroni
Holy Kinship
Picture Books of the Past: Gustave Doré
The Entry into Jerusalem
Object of the Month: April 2023
Object of the Month: March 2023
Christ before Pilate: Master of St. Severin
Giuseppe Bessi
Object of the Month: February 2023
Psuedo Pier Francesco Fiorentino
Picture Books of the Past: Master of Staffolo
Object of the Month: January 2023
Picture Books of the Past: Edwin Long
Object of the Month: December 2022
Picture Books of the Past: Pieter Fransz. de Grebber
Juan Sanchez, the Younger
Object of the Month: November 2022
Picture Books of the Past: Lorenzo di Niccolo di Martino
Denys Calvaert, called Dionisio Fiammingo
Object of the Month: October 2022
Picture Books of the Past: Unknown Follower of Paolo Caliari, called Paolo Veronese
Mario Balassi
Object of the Month: September 2022
Hebrew Demi Omer
Picture Books of the Past: Antonio del Castillo y Saavedra
Object of the Month: August 2022
Picture Books of the Past: Carlo Dolci
Cornelis Cornelisz. van Haarlem
Allegory on the Fall and Redemption of Man: Lucas Cranach, the Younger
Object of the Month: July 2022
Object of the Month: June 2022
Sébastien Bourdon
Madonna and Child with Saints: Niccolò di Pietro Gerini
Object of the Month: May 2022
Giovanni Coli and Filippo Gherardi
Object of the Month: April 2022
Whatsoever Things Are… Worthy of Praise: God the Father
Whatsoever Things Are… Worthy of Praise: King David Playing the Harp
Whatsoever Things Are… Excellent: Isaiah’s Lips Anointed with Fire
Whatsoever Things Are… Excellent: Mary Magdalene Turning from the World to Christ
Whatsoever Things Are… Commendable: The Tribulation of Job
Whatsoever Things Are… Commendable: Christ and the Roman Centurion
Whatsoever Things Are… Lovely: Christ Healing the Blind Man
Whatsoever Things Are… Lovely: The Heavenly Shepherd
Whatsoever Things Are… Pure: Christ Blessing
Whatsoever Things Are… Pure: The Risen Christ
Whatsoever Things Are… Just: Painted Crucifix
Whatsoever Things Are… Just: The Man of Sorrows
Whatsoever Things Are… Just: The Last Supper
Whatsoever Things Are… Just: Triumphal Entry
Whatsoever Things Are… Just: St. Michael the Archangel and St. Agnes
Whatsoever Things Are… Honorable: The Good Samaritan
Whatsoever Things Are… Honorable: Ananias Restores Sight to Saul
Whatsoever Things Are… True: Christ and the Samaritan Woman
Whatsoever Things Are… True: St. Paul
Antonio Checchi (called Guidaccio da Imola): The Coronation of the Virgin
Procession to Calvary
Object of the Month: March 2022
Jacopo Robusti (called Il Tintoretto): The Visit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon
Torah Scroll
Object of the Month: February 2022
Rembrandt van Rijn (school of): Head of Christ
Gerrit van Honthorst
David de Haen: The Mocking of Christ
Object of the Month: January 2022
Scenes from the Life of Christ
Object of the Month: December 2021
Jan Boeckhorst: Adoration of the Magi
St. Nicholas, the Wonderworker
Object of the Month: November 2021
Jan Victors: Esther Accusing Haman
Eyre Crowe: Wittenberg, October 31, 1517
Object of the Month: October 2021
Reliquary Head of a Monk
Francesco Fracanzano: The Tribulation of Job
Object of the Month: September 2021
Object of the Month: August 2021
Giovanni Antonio Bazzi: Procession to Calvary
Object of the Month: July 2021
Ginevra Cantofoli
Michail Nicholaievich Molodeshin
Pompeo Batoni
Domenico Fiasella: The Flight into Egypt
Object of the Month: June 2021
William Hamilton, R.A.
French Stained Glass: The Fountain of Life
Object of the Month: May 2021
Christ the Redeemer: Paris Bordone
Jan Gossaert, called Mabuse (attr. to)
Object of the Month: April 2021
Madonna and Child: Master of the Greenville Tondo
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn (school of)
Object of the Month: March 2021
John the Baptist: Polychromed Sculpture
Louis XVI Musical Mantel Clock
Object of the Month: February 2021
Gaspar de Crayer: St. Augustine & St. Ambrose
Peter Paul Rubens (follower of)
Edwin Long: Vashti Refuses the King’s Summons
Object of the Month: January 2021
Jacopo Robusti, called Il Tintoretto
Louis Comfort Tiffany: Inspiration
Object of the Month: December 2020
Two Angels with Banner
Govaert Flinck: Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom
Object of the Month: November 2020
Domenico Zampieri, called Il Domenichino
Simon Vouet: Salome with the Head of John the Baptist
Object of the Month: October 2020
Object of the Month: September 2020
Francesco Granacci: Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
Object of the Month: August 2020
Frederic James Shields: The Pre-Raphaelites
Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi, called Sandro Botticelli (and studio): Madonna and Child with an Angel
Louis Comfort Tiffany
Jusepe de Ribera: Ecce Homo
Gustave Doré: Christ Leaving the Praetorium
Girolamo Della Robbia: Terracotta Busts
Mattia Preti: Christ Seats the Child in the Midst of the Disciples
Peter Paul Rubens: Christ on the Cross
Cassone: Renaissance Marriage Chest
Francesco de Rosa: The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence
Guido Reni: The Four Evangelists
Geritt van Honthorst: The Holy Family in the Carpenter Shop
Francois de Troy: Christ and the Samaritan Woman
Francesco Cavazzoni: Legend of the Finding of the True Cross
Giovanni Filippo Criscuolo (attr. to): The Last Judgment
Stefano Cernotto (attr. to): The Last Supper
Salvator Rosa: Landscape with the Baptism of Christ
Domenico Zampieri: St. John the Evangelist
Jaun de Flandes: St. Augustine and St.Roch
Jan Hermansz. van Bijlert: Mary Magdalene Turning from the World to Christ
Anthony van Dyck: Mother of Sorrows (Mater Dolorosa)
Jan Swart van Groningen: Nativity Triptych
Jan Gossaert: The Madonna of the Fireplace
Northern Mannerism: The Martyrdom of Peter
Marietta Robusti: Allegory of Wisdom
Philippe de Champaigne: The Christ of Derision
Antonio del Castillo y Saavedra: St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness
Benjamin West, P.R.A.
Object of the Month: July 2020
Carlo Francesco Nuvolone
Object of the Month: June 2020
Carlo Dolci
Object of the Month: May 2020
Object of the Month: April 2020
Vasiliy Fedotovich Il’in
Object of the Month: March 2020
Edwin Long, R. A.
Object of the Month: February 2020
Hezekiah Tapestry Series
Object of the Month: January 2020
Master of the Borghese Tondo
Object of the Month: December 2019
John Koch
Object of the Month: November 2019
Bone Casket
Object of the Month: October 2019
Rutilio di Lorenzo Manetti
Object of the Month: September 2019
Richard Houston (engraver)
Object of the Month: August 2019
Object of the Month: July 2019
Salvator Rosa
Object of the Month: June 2019
Pietro Novelli
Object of the Month: May 2019
Johann Friedrich Overbeck
Benjamin West, P. R. A.
Object of the Month: March 2019
Gaspar de Crayer
Object of the Month: February 2019
Lucas Cranach, the Younger
Object of the Month: January 2019
Object of the Month: December 2018
Frans Francken, the Younger
Object of the Month: November 2018
Object of the Month: October 2018
Eyre Crowe
Gustave Doré
Object of the Month: September 2018
Niccolò di Pietro Gerini
Object of the Month: August 2018
Object of the Month: July 2018
Edward Matthew Ward, R.A.
Object of the Month: June 2018
Object of the Month: May 2018
Object of the Month: April 2018
Object of the Month: March 2018
Object of the Month: February 2018
Object of the Month: January 2018
Object of the Month: December 2017
Object of the Month: November 2017
Object of the Month: October 2017
Object of the Month: September 2017
Object of the Month: August 2017
Object of the Month: July 2017
Object of the Month: June 2017
Object of the Month: May 2017
Object of the Month: April 2017
Object of the Month: March 2017
Object of the Month: February 2017
Object of the Month: January 2017
Object of the Month: December 2016
Object of the Month: November 2016
Object of the Month: October 2016
Object of the Month: August 2016
Object of the Month: July 2016
Object of the Month: June 2016
Object of the Month: May 2016
Object of the Month: April 2016
Object of the Month: February 2016
Object of the Month: January 2016
Object of the Month: December 2015
Object of the Month: November 2015
Object of the Month: October 2015
Object of the Month: September 2015
Object of the Month: August 2015
Object of the Month: July 2015
Object of the Month: June 2015
Object of the Month: May 2015
Object of the Month: April 2015
Object of the Month: March 2015
Object of the Month: February 2015
Object of the Month: December 2014
Object of the Month: November 2014
Object of the Month: October 2014
Object of the Month: September 2014
Object of the Month: August 2014
Object of the Month: June 2014
Object of the Month: May 2014
Object of the Month: April 2014
Object of the Month: March 2014
Object of the Month: February 2014
Object of the Month: January 2014
Object of the Month: December 2013
Object of the Month: November 2013
Object of the Month: October 2013
Object of the Month: September 2013
Object of the Month: August 2013
Object of the Month: July 2013
Object of the Month: June 2013
Object of the Month: May 2013
Object of the Month: April 2013
Object of the Month: March 2013
Object of the Month: February 2013